Secure Your Family’s Future with Trust & Will.
没有人愿意去想他们死后会发生什么, 但现在就为意外做好准备是确保你已经覆盖了最重要的事情的最好方法. With an Estate Plan, you can nominate guardians for your children and pets, determine how your assets will be distributed, specify your final arrangement wishes, and so much more.
Get 20% off an estate plan!
We partnered with Trust & 会否为365滚球app下载推荐提供一个简单而实惠的方式,让他们在网上订立遗产计划. Trust & Will是在线遗产规划的领导者,已经帮助了50多万个家庭保护他们的遗产. Together, 我们的使命是帮助家庭保护他们的遗产,让他们的家人安心.
作为在线遗产规划中最值得信赖的名字之一,信托 & Will makes estate planning simple, affordable, and completely customizable, 让您在几分钟内从舒适的家中创建一个完整的遗产计划.
他们所有的文件都是由遗产规划律师制定的,以达到最高的法律标准, are state-specific, and are customized to meet anyone’s specific needs. Paired with best-in-class member support, 他们正在简化复杂的遗产规划程序.
Benefits of Trust & Will
- Affordable services: 365滚球app下载推荐可以在任何遗产计划上节省20%的折扣,并免费获得第一批文件.
- Expert support如果你在学习过程中有任何问题,他们的专家团队都可以提供帮助.
- Easy and convenient简单,一步一步的指导,在短短30分钟内完成在线遗嘱或信任.
- Built by attorneys, customized by you:国家特定的,合法有效的文件,可定制,以满足您的家庭需要.
Remember, 遗产规划不仅仅是保护你的财务状况,决定你想如何分配你的资产以及分配给谁. 完整的遗产计划还包括您的医疗保健文件, 允许你指定一份医疗委托书,并就你的临终关怀留下明确的愿望. 这将给你的家人一个预先确定的计划,以便在医疗紧急情况下遵循, 而不是自己做那些重要的决定.
Plan today for what happens tomorrow.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a Will and a Trust?
遗嘱是一种简单的文件,可以让你指定孩子和宠物的监护人, designate where assets go, and specify final arrangements. 遗嘱的简单性也带来了一些缺点:遗嘱对资产分配的控制更有限,而且往往必须在死后通过遗嘱认证程序.
Like a Will, 信托也控制着资产的处置,但对资产的分配时间和方式提供了更大的控制. 信托只适用于信托持有的资产,因此您需要将资产转移到信托. 这使得信托的建立有点复杂,但它带来了一个主要的好处. 信托也经常被用来尽量减少或完全避免遗嘱认证, 这对许多人来说可能是一个巨大的吸引力,并证明创建信托所需的额外工作是合理的.
这两种方式都是说谁将得到你的资产——每一种都有不同的分配这些资产的方式, as well as different advantages and disadvantages. You can learn more about Trusts and Wills here!
How long will it take to complete a Will or Trust?
大多数人在15分钟内完成遗嘱,在20分钟内完成信托. All your answers are saved as you go, 所以,请随时暂停,并随时回到你离开的地方!
Is Trust & Will a law firm?
我们不是律师事务所,也不能代替律师或律师事务所. We cannot give legal advice, guidance, or services. 与我们的任何互动均不构成律师-客户关系,向我们提供的信息不受律师-客户保密特权的保护.
Is an online estate plan right for everyone?
Yes! 在线遗产规划提供了与传统遗产规划相同的有效性和功能, 具有额外的优势(例如可负担性和可访问性). 通过利用先进的技术和卓越的客户支持, 他们的服务确保从头到尾的顺利体验, simplifying estate planning for everyone. Trust & Will是全美100多家金融机构值得信赖的遗产规划合作伙伴.
Not sure which plan is right for you? Check out some of these helpful articles:
- Will vs Trust: What’s the Difference & Which is Right for Me?
- Types of Wills: How to Choose the Best Option
- 我应否与配偶设立共同信托或分开信托?
If you have questions along the way, Trust & Will’s team of experts are standing by to help.
See what others are saying about Trust & Will!
*Trust & 威尔会给首次购买遗产计划的人打八折吗. No promo code is required; the discount is automatically applied at checkout to the initial purchase of a Will or Trust-based estate plan. Subsequent upgrades aren’t eligible for a discount.